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Here you will find all the information you should ever need about me. I believe people are better then just dates and company’s they worked for on a resume. So now you have the whole story…
Dave Schoenblum graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Early in his career he empowered himself through differentiation in the marketing and sales of high level pre printed brochures and business forms specifically for hotels and resorts. He later went on to sell technology and was a pioneer in selling the first windows based Property Management System solutions to the lodging industry. Dave went on to study web design and electronic marketing at the University of South Florida. Dave has served as a member of the community and most recently on the board of the Tampa Bay Runners (a local running club), as Newsletter Editor, Vice President, and President. He is also a published writer. Dave has the skill set needed in today’s environment to develop new business.
Please take a look at the presentation below:
Running has enriched my life. My ambition is to give back and help as many people as I can to get the pleasures, peace and health benefits as I have had by coaching and mentoring. Personal Records
5K 18:47
10K 40:29
15K 1:03:11
1/2 Marathon 1:31:03
Marathon 3:19:28
50K 5:05 (just one attempt at this distance so far)
Training Regiment
Being a pacer, I conduct my training to where I can run marathons without having to set particular dates. Often the opportunity to pace can arise quickly without the time to get ready. I run 5 days a week, Sundays being the long run of at least 15 miles. The other days include a track workout , and tempo runs. One day of cross training, and one day of rest.
Positions and Achievements
My first Marathon, was Disney 2000. I was a member of the Team in Training and raised money for the Leukemia Foundation. I learned early on the altruistic side of being a runner. I served on the board of the Tampa Bay Runners (a local running club), as Newsletter Editor, Vice President, President, and most recently holding a position as Web Designer. I am a writer, and have had articles published by Marathon and Beyond. Currently, I am a member of the Nike Pace Group, with my last Marathon being here in Tampa for them February 28, 2010. I have worked on local committees for The Gasparillla Distance classic and have coached training clinics for first time runners. Throughout my career I also have performed many speaking engagements to motivate new runners, and address the sport to them. I have raised monies for local races and have engaged many sponsors to contribute.
Andy Mathews (813) 464-5757
Nick Sciurba, (631) 458-0057
Rebecca Diange (813) 210 3426
Get In Touch
813 931 5800